
When you use our app, we collect information about you to customize and improve our content and enhance the relevance of the ads displayed in the app. If you do not wish for information to be collected, you can adjust the settings within the app. Below, we describe the information collected, its purposes, and which third parties may access it.


The app uses “cookies” – small text files stored on your device – with the purpose of recognizing your device and remembering settings. Cookies do not contain harmful code such as viruses.

Personal Information


Personal information includes all types of information that can be attributed to you in some way. When you use our app, we collect and process various types of information, such as regular access to content, newsletter sign-ups, participation in contests or surveys, user registration or subscription, and purchases via the app.

We typically collect and process the following information: Unique ID and technical details about your device, your IP address, geographical location, and the features you use. If you provide consent and enter information, we may also process your name, phone number, email, address, and payment details, typically in connection with creating a login or making a purchase.


We handle your personal information securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection laws. Your information is only used for the purpose it was collected, and it is deleted when the purpose is fulfilled or is no longer relevant. We have implemented technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, loss, damage, or misuse of your information.


The information is used to identify you as a user, display relevant ads, record purchases and payments, and deliver requested services such as newsletters. Additionally, we use the information to optimize our services and content.

Storage Period

The information is stored in accordance with applicable laws, and it is deleted when no longer necessary. The storage period depends on the nature of the information and the purpose of storage. A general timeframe for deletion cannot be specified.


Disclosure of Information

Data about your app usage, including ads, geographical location, gender, and age, may be disclosed to third parties if this information is known. Refer to the “Cookies” section for information about the involved third parties. The information is used for targeted advertising.

We use third parties for data storage and processing on our behalf, and they may only process the information in accordance with our instructions.

Disclosure of personal information, such as name and email, only occurs with your consent. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can ensure adequate protection of your information.

Access and Complaints

You have the right to know what personal information we process about you. You can object or withdraw consent at any time. If information about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Contact us at: [insert email address]. If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal information, you can contact the Data Protection Agency.

Data Collection

We aim to ensure full transparency regarding the collection of data in our app. Any data entered the app is used exclusively for processing the specific task in which the user actively participates. We make it clear that we do not collect information or data without the user’s knowledge and consent.

For example, when you use the camera function, the image and its metadata are uploaded to Sapera. This process is designed to enable specific features and enhance your user experience. We want to emphasize that we only collect and transfer data that is necessary to fulfill the specified task, and this is done in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Our approach is based on respect for your personal information, and we actively take steps to protect your data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. If you have further questions or concerns regarding the collection and use of your data, feel free to contact us at

We believe in transparency and want you to feel secure using our app, knowing that your privacy protection is our priority.


The app is owned and published by:

Cloud Retail Systems A/S

Innovations Allé 3,

7100 Vejle

Phone: 96233000


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